Finding My True Purpose: The Journey of Voodoo Blends by JAK

Growing up, I always had a passion for creating. Whether it was the art of cake decorating, the meticulous process of candy making, or capturing moments through photography, these hobbies shaped my identity and provided me with joy. Yet, it wasn't until Aromatherapy entered my life that I truly discovered my purpose. The transformative power of essential oils and their unique ability to enhance wellness resonated with me deeply. Among all the incredible scents I’ve encountered, one stands out prominently: Sweet Orange.

The Sweet Orange Connection

Ask any aromatherapist about their favorite essential oil, and you will likely receive a thoughtful pause followed by a flurry of options. The challenge of selecting just one favorite is common in our community. However, for me, the answer is clear: Sweet Orange. Ever since I first encountered its uplifting scent in 2017, it has become my signature oil, the essence that encapsulates my journey into the world of aromatherapy. I often say, “Add one drop of Sweet Orange to everything in your life,” and that’s precisely what I strive to do through my business, Voodoo Blends by JAK.

The Birth of Voodoo Blends by JAK

You might wonder how I landed on the name “Voodoo Blends.” The inspiration came from a playful moment in conversations with friends and family. They often joked about my knack for crafting unique concoctions and mixing various ingredients to create delightful products. Comments about my “voodoo magic” in the kitchen made me realize that I could embrace this whimsical side of my personality. Instead of shying away from it, I decided to welcome it with open arms. And thus, Voodoo Blends was born!

To add a personal touch, I incorporated my initials, JAK, into the name. JAK has been a cherished nickname from my youth, a name that evokes fond memories and a sense of nostalgia. The combination of “Voodoo” and “JAK” reflects my desire to create something distinctive and meaningful, bridging the gap between my playful spirit and my serious passion for aromatherapy.

A Glimpse into My Life

I’ve spent the majority of my life in Richfield, Minnesota, a place that has become home to me. Living with two cats and two dogs, my household is always filled with love and joy. Family is incredibly important to me; in fact, my sister lives right next door, and my mom is less than two miles away. This close-knit connection has provided a strong support system that fuels my creativity and drives my entrepreneurial spirit.

My professional life complements my personal pursuits. During the weekdays, I commute to Hopkins, where I work full-time in the architectural field. This rewarding job allows me to express my creativity while collaborating with some fantastic people. The architectural world may seem unrelated to aromatherapy, but I find parallels in the creativity, precision, and innovation required in both endeavors. 

The Role of Music in My Journey

Another passion that enriches my life is music. While I can’t claim to be a master musician (besides my unique talent for playing the spoons), I have an unbridled love for music that influences everything I do. I might not be the best singer, but karaoke nights allow me to let loose and have fun. For me, music is more than just entertainment; it’s the emotional backdrop of my life experiences. It serves various purposes: motivating me during difficult times, celebrating moments of joy, and creating memories that linger long after the song ends.

Music has even found its way into my product naming process. Each blend I create is thoughtfully paired with song titles that resonate with the essence of the blend. For instance, my blend designed to aid in sleep is titled “Dream On,” inspired by the iconic Aerosmith song. It beautifully encapsulates the intention behind the blend, creating a harmonious connection between sound and scent. As the holiday season approaches, I’m excited to unveil a special blend called “O Tanenbaum,” which captures the essence of a Christmas tree just as much as the beloved carol by the same name.

Creating with Intention

At Voodoo Blends by JAK, every product is crafted with intention and care. I believe that aromatherapy has the power to enhance our lives, bringing balance, clarity, and joy. I’m passionate about educating others about the benefits of essential oils and how they can incorporate them into their daily routines. The world of aromatherapy is vast, and each drop of essential oil holds the potential to create lasting change.

As I blend various oils to create my signature products, I focus on how the combination can address specific needs—whether it’s relaxation, energy, or mood enhancement. The process is akin to crafting a piece of music; each oil plays its note, contributing to a beautiful symphony that resonates with the user.

The Importance of Community

Another aspect of my journey that I cherish is the community I’ve fostered through my business. Connecting with customers, fellow aromatherapists, and wellness enthusiasts has enriched my experience. Sharing knowledge, experiences, and even a few laughs creates a vibrant network that supports each other in our wellness journeys. I’ve witnessed firsthand the impact that essential oils can have on people’s lives, helping them find solace, comfort, and healing in their daily routines.

I often receive messages from customers about how my blends have positively affected their lives, and those messages fuel my passion to keep creating. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about making a difference in people’s lives and contributing to their well-being. 

Looking Toward the Future

As I reflect on this journey, I realize how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned. The combination of my passions—cake decorating, candy making, photography, music, and now aromatherapy—has shaped who I am today. I’m excited to continue evolving both personally and professionally. 

Moving forward, I plan to expand my offerings with new blends that cater to specific needs, incorporate workshops to educate others about aromatherapy, and continue connecting with my community. I envision Voodoo Blends by JAK becoming a hub for wellness, creativity, and connection—a place where others can discover the joy of essential oils and the magic they can bring to everyday life.

In Conclusion

I hope this glimpse into my world gives you a better understanding of who I am and why I’m so passionate about aromatherapy. The air of mystery surrounding Voodoo Blends by JAK comes from a place of love, creativity, and genuine enthusiasm for essential oils. Every drop, every blend, and every product I create is infused with my heart and soul, aimed at enriching the lives of those who experience them. 

So, the next time you ask me about essential oils, know that my excitement comes from a deep-seated love for what I do and the impact I hope to have on others. Join me on this aromatic journey; let’s explore the world of essential oils together and discover how they can add a little more joy, balance, and magic to our lives. 


With warm regards,  Jeanne aka JAK